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Hørsholm Fysioterapi & Rygcenter is a clinic located in the heart of Hørsholm. We take pride in providing quality treatment with roots in the best and latest knowledge in the field.  

The clinic has existed for many years, and under the current ownership, the clinic has existed for 8 years.

Hørsholm Fysioterapi & Rygcenter consists of seven competent physiotherapists and two skilled secretaries. We treat all disorders related to the musculoskeletal system. We have special competencies for the treatment of back pain and chronic pain.

At Hørsholm Physiotherapy & Back Center, we have extensive experience in helping athletes. We work especially with Rungsted Seier Capital - the city's professional ice hockey team - where we are affiliated as the team's physiotherapists. In addition, we help basketball players, badminton players, football players and others.

The clinic also has several physiotherapists with specialist knowledge in golf physiotherapy and the injuries and pains that can occur when playing golf. We also have the skills to do specialized golf training.

In a course with one of our physiotherapists, you will experience that you are taken as a starting point as a person. Therefore, do not expect to be put in a box. All courses are individually tailored to suit your genes, your preferences and your life.

It is also possible to go to team training - both if you have defects, but also if you just want high-quality training under the supervision of a physiotherapist. We offer the following teams, among others:

  • Backrest

  • GLAiD (Good Life with Osteoarthritis in Denmark) for knee, hip and back pain.

  • Strength training team

  • Mindfulness team

  • Yogahold

  • Neurology team

  • Hold to free physiotherapy

  • Knee hold

  • Shoulder hold

At Hørsholm Fysioterapi & Rygcenter you can expect top quality treatment of your pain. If necessary, read a selection of our recommendations on the front page.

We look forward to working with you.

Hørsholm Physiotherapy & Back Center

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Klinikken har eksisteret i mange år, og under det nuværende ejerskab har klinikken eksisteret i 8 år.

Hørsholm Fysioterapi & Rygcenter består af syv kompetente fysioterapeuter og en dygtige sekretærer. Vi behandler alle lidelser relateret til bevægeapparatet. Vi har særlige kompetencer for behandling af rygsmerter og kroniske smerter.

Hos Hørsholm Fysioterapi & Rygcenter har vi stor erfaring med at hjælpe idrætsudøvere. Vi arbejder særligt sammen med Rungsted Seier Capital - byens professionelle ishockeyhold - hvor vi er tilknyttet som holdets fysioterapeuter. Derudover hjælper vi basketballspillere, badmintonspillere, fodboldspillere m.fl.

Klinikken har desuden flere fysioterapeuter med specialviden indenfor golffysioterapi og de skader og smerter der kan opstå når man spiller golf. Vi har ligeledes kompetencer til at lave specialiseret golftræning.

I et forløb hos en af vores fysioterapeuter vil du opleve, at der bliver taget udgangspunkt i dig som person. Du skal derfor ikke forvente, at du bliver puttet i en kasse. Alle forløb bliver individuelt tilpasset, så det passer til dine gener, dine præferencer og dit liv.

Der er også mulighed for at gå til holdtræning - både hvis man har skavanker, men også hvis man blot ønsker højkvalitets-træning under supervision af en fysioterapeut. Vi udbyder blandt andet følgende hold:

  • Ryghold

  • GLAiD (Godt Liv med Artrose i Danmark) til knæ-, hofte- og rygsmerter.

  • Styrketræningshold

  • Mindfulnesshold

  • Yogahold

  • Neurologihold

  • Hold til vederlagsfri fysioterapi

  • Knæhold

  • Skulderhold

Hos Hørsholm Fysioterapi & Rygcenter kan du forvente topkvalitetsbehandling af dine smerter. Læs eventuelt et udpluk af vores anbefalinger på forsiden.

Vi glæder os til et samarbejde med dig.

Hørsholm Fysioterapi & Rygcenter

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