By Thomas Agner Laursen, authorized physiotherapist
Most people are familiar with physiotherapy to some degree. But what exactly is physiotherapy? Most people probably have an idea of what it is all about when going to a physiotherapist. We would like to try to describe what physiotherapy is when you come to physiotherapy at Hørsholm Fysioterapi & Rygcenter.
In the daily meeting with many different patients, we experience that there are many beliefs about what it means to go to a physiotherapist.
Many people have the notion that physiotherapy is a specific form of treatment - this is not correct. Physiotherapy is a profession with many different approaches. Some approaches involve a lot of manual processing, others involve more training, while some use advanced electrical appliances.
At Hørsholm Fysioterapi & Rygcenter, we take pride in offering evidence-based physiotherapy . Evidence-based physiotherapy means that there is research evidence that the treatment has an effect. This means that the forms of treatment we use have been thoroughly tested in an objective research protocol.
The fact that the treatment you receive is based on research is your assurance that you will not receive ineffective treatment.
When you come to physiotherapy at Hørsholm Fysioterapi & Rygcenter, you will experience the following:
Introductory conversation where you tell about your problem.
Thorough investigation based on what you have told in the initial conversation.
Explanation of your pain.
We put together a plan for how you can get rid of your / your pain / injury.
The physiotherapeutic treatment can, depending on what is the best documentation for, consist of several elements. The typical elements will will be the following
A relevant form of exercise therapy.
Give you knowledge about the mechanisms behind your pain. After the thought that knowledge is power .
Relevant home exercises.
Supplemental manual treatment for pain relief.
Complementary treatment with electrical appliances.
If you have previously tried physiotherapy and found that "physiotherapy does not work" , then you should perhaps reconsider whether it is physiotherapy as a profession or whether it is the specific treatment you have received.
At Hørsholm Fysioterapi & Rygcenter, we often experience that we help people who did not have the effect of a treatment elsewhere to become pain-free after a physiotherapy course with us.
Shall we help you get rid of your pain? Then press the " book time now!" Button. You can also call 45869400 or write to .
Hos Hørsholm Fysioterapi & Rygcenter sætter vi en ære i, at tilbyde evidensbaseret fysioterapi. Evidensbaseret fysioterapi betyder, at der er forskningsmæssig dokumentation for, at behandlingen har en effekt. Det vil sige, at de behandlings-former vi benytter, er gennemtestet i en objektiv forskningsprotokol.
Evidensbaseret fysioterapi er din sikkerhed for, at du ikke modtager en ineffektiv behandling.
By Thomas Agner Laursen, authorized physiotherapist
Most people are familiar with physiotherapy to some degree. But what exactly is physiotherapy? Most people probably have an idea of what it is all about when going to a physiotherapist. We would like to try to describe what physiotherapy is when you come to physiotherapy at Hørsholm Fysioterapi & Rygcenter.
Den fysioterapeutiske behandling kan, afhængig af hvad der er bedst dokumentation for, bestå af flere elementer.
De typiske elementer vil vil være følgende:
En relevant form for træningsterapi.
Give dig viden om mekanismerne bag dine smerter. Efter tanken om, at viden er magt.
Relevante hjemmeøvelser.
Supplerende manuel behandling for smertelindring.
Supplerende behandling med el-apparater.
Hvis du tidligere har forsøgt dig med fysioterapi og konstateret, at "fysioterapi ikke virker", så bør du måske genoverveje om det er fysioterapi som profession, eller om det er den specifikke behandling du har modtaget.
Hos Hørsholm Fysioterapi & Rygcenter oplever vi ofte, at vi hjælper personer, der ikke havde effekt af en behandling andetsteds, bliver smertefrie efter et fysioterapi-forløb hos os.
By Thomas Agner Laursen, authorized physiotherapist
Most people are familiar with physiotherapy to some degree. But what exactly is physiotherapy? Most people probably have an idea of what it is all about when going to a physiotherapist. We would like to try to describe what physiotherapy is when you come to physiotherapy at Hørsholm Fysioterapi & Rygcenter.